Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I LOVE ya, Tomorrow!!

Referrals will arrive tomorrow! Someone through some source that I don't know and don't want to know was able to get the DHL tracking number for my agency's package of referrals. The package arrived in San Fransisco earlier today and has now left San Fransisco on it's way to Austin.

My agency will definitely be emailing rather than calling, but they'll follow up with a call on Friday to answer any other questions we may have. I can live with that. As long as I can get her picture and know who my baby is, where my baby is, how old my baby is...I'll be one content mama. For now. :)

Am I supposed to be able to sleep?? If I could just go to sleep, tomorrow would be here when I wake up and I'd be just HOURS away from referral. But I'm afraid sleep is just not going to be happening tonight. :)

1 comment:

henna's hearsay said...

I'm checking on you one last time before I go to bed.

Email it is. Maybe that will help everyone get their acceptances in quicker, too? So, will you just be hitting send and receive all day long until that sweet face pops ups? Charging your cell phone suddenly seems so much easier!

BTW -- what am I going to do to survive this wait now that AI and Lost have wrapped up????

Sweet dreams!