Saturday, June 17, 2006

San Antonio - Part Deux

Well, I intended to leave for San Antonio at 6:00 AM this morning so I could be first in line to get my fingerprints redone...but I woke up to major thunderstorms. I finally left around 7 AM instead, after the obligatory Starbucks stop, and it was slow going with the rain and got there around 8:30 AM. The wait ended up being 2.5 hours, but by 11 AM I was done and on my way back home!

Re-fingerprinting. CHECK!!

Orphanage Fee wired. CHECK!

Stork Goodies (a care package my agency puts together and sends out through Beijing) ordered. CHECK!

Baby Sherpa Diaperbag and Baby B'Air Flight Vest came in. CHECK!

Potential snag: In Texas, the homestudy update needs to be dated within 30 days of travel, so my SW is waiting until I get TA (travel approval) before she'll finish it and get notarized copies to me. BUT because I moved to a new house, that homestudy update needs to go to San Antonio CIS...yes, the one with the re-fingerprinting that a new I-171H can be issued. Now what are the chances of me getting an updated I-171H before I travel WITHOUT having to make another trip to San Antonio?

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