Saturday, June 10, 2006

Lists, Lists, and More Lists...

  1. Scheduled Homestudy Update - Check!
  2. Overnighted $70 CCK to CIS to request Re-Fingerprinting since old will expire - Check
  3. Completed/Notarized Vaccination Affidavit - Check!
  4. Get new passport photos for visa application - 06/12/06
  5. Tell sister to go NOW for passport photos for visa application - CHECK!!
  6. Order Pediatric Medical Kit from - Check!
  7. Create packing list for checked bag - In Progress
  8. Create packing list for carryon bag - In Progress
  9. Eat chocolate and such to help deal with stress of all these lists - Check! Check! Check! Check!
  10. Buy new shorts/tops since old ones don't fit because of all the chocolate and such - In progress
  11. Stop eating so danged much chocolate - yeah, right. moving on...



Shannon said...

So excited for you and Emerson! Please keep us all posted!

Mom 2 six said...

How wonderful!!
Speaking as a mom frantically making lists I can relate.
It's it the best!!